The Resources to Empower and Develop You (READY) Center is a consolidated location where formerly incarcerated District of Columbia residents can access services from Community Based Organizations (CBO), the Department of Corrections (DOC), Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), Department of Employment Services (DOES), Department of Human Services (DHS), Department of Behavioral Health (DBH), and The Mayor’s Office on Returning Citizen Affairs (MORCA), to ensure successful reintegration into the community.
How It Works
- The READY Center engages participants within 30-days, prior to release from DOC custody, to share information about available services.
- Soon-to-be released participants complete interest forms and a screening is conducted to determine their needs.
- Within 30 days of release, interests and needs of participant engagement with Government agency partners is prioritized by release date.
- The READY Center connects participants with MORCA, CBOs and other District of Columbia Government agencies for ongoing case management of READY Center participants.
- We serve District residents released from the Central Detention Facility (DC Jail) and Correctional Treatment Facility (within 24 hours of release) and Bureau of Prison (within 45 days of release).
New DC DOC Institutional Programming and Re-entry Service Requirement and Partnership with OVSJG
District of Columbia Voting Rights
See the READY Center Roadmap to Success
See the READY Center's Brochure
See the Requirements for READY Center Services
Agency Partners
Community Based Organizations (CBO)
Participants can receive resource referrals for clothing, food, educational and work readiness and family reunification programs.
Department of Human Services (DHS)
Participants may apply for Medicaid, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), employment and educational programs and family support services.
Department of Employment Services (DOES)
Participants can receive information on DOES work readiness programs such as Project Empowerment and Career Connections. Participants will be referred to appropriate programs.
Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV)
Participants may apply for identification cards, renewing or replacing a driver’s license and arrange payment plans to resolve any outstanding parking or traffic tickets.
Department of Behavioral Health (DBH)
Provides linkage and referrals for participants, including emergency psychiatric care and residential services.
The Mayor’s Office on Returning Citizen Affairs (MORCA)
Provides case management and referrals for resources such as birth certificates, social security cards, ticket adjustments and various training programs.
Office of Victim Service and Justice Grants (OVSJG)
The mission of the Office of Victim Services and Justice Grants (OVSJG) is to develop, fund, and coordinate programs that improve public safety; enhance the administration of justice; and create systems of care for crime victims, youth, and their families in the District.
The DC Reentry Action Network (RAN) is the District’s leading voice on reentry issues, and the only coalition exclusively for reentry service providers and their clients
- LinkU is the free online resource and referral guide for DC, Maryland, and Virginia, available for consumers and community-based organizations (CBOs). Start your search by providing your zip code and finding resources for housing, food, health and more.
- LinkU Public Site: https://linkudmv.org/ (intended for consumers to search on their own)
Are you a Community Based Organization? As an added benefit, CBOs can become "LinkU staff members", which grants the agency access to additional features.
LinkU Staff features include:
- Organizational contact information and service offerings
- Referral and outcome tracking tools
- The online Needs Assessment Tool
- Appointment scheduling
- Agency reporting and evaluation
Staff Site: https://staff.linkudmv.org/login (intended for CBOs and case managers working on behalf of consumers)
Contact Us
1901 E Street, SE Washington, DC 20003
Located behind the Correctional Treatment Facility (CTF)
Monday - Friday 9 am to 5 pm
Phone Number: 202-790-6790
Visits to the READY Center should be made within 24 hours of release or on the following business day.