RE: Barnes, et al. v. District of Columbia.,
United States District Court for the District of Columbia,
Case No. 06-0315 (RCL).
This Class and Settlement Notice is available in Spanish. Call toll-free 1(877) 258-3743 or visit the following website:
If, between September 1, 2005, and July 31, 2013, you were released from the District Columbia Jail and either strip searched after the time you were ordered or entitled to release, or were not released by midnight of the day on which you became entitled to release, you may be a class member entitled to relief. Therefore, you may be entitled to receive MONEY. To receive any money in this pending Settlement, you must fill out and mail a Claim Form.
There is currently pending a class action lawsuit involving such issues in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia. The Court has certified the case as a class action, and there is a proposed Settlement. If the proposed Settlement receives final court approval, CLASS MEMBERS are eligible to receive money.
Your Claim Form must be postmarked or received by the Administrator no later than April 11, 2014.
If you wish to “opt out,” or be excluded from the Settlement, your opt-out letter must be postmarked or received by the Administrator by February 25, 2014.
If You Wish to Claim Money, Fill Out and Mail the Enclosed Claim Form Today. Do Not Wait. If you do not submit a claim on time, you will not receive any money, but will still be bound by the Settlement.
Please review the attached Notice Of Class Action and Claim Forms available in English and Spanish.