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Department of Corrections

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Services Offered to Persons Housed in DC DOC Facilities

Anger and Stress Management

Group counseling using a variety of cognitive behavioral techniques for managing and stress

Ashland University

On-line course offered to DOC College and Career Readiness Department. Eligible students are supplied with secured tablets to participate in this course.

Attorney General, Office of the DC

Paternity and child support services.

Bread for the City

Orientation regarding legal issues and community resources and supports

Catholic Charities-Welcome Home Reentry Program

Catholic Charities provides mentoring and community-based reentry services.

CDL Self Study Guide

DOC provided self-study materials for written commercial driving tests

Collaborative Solutions for Communities (CSC)

Based on DOC referral family reunification case management is provided for female returning citizens through home visits, family advocacy, family group decision making, parenting education/ support and connections to community resources.

Commercial Cleaning

Janitorial training for commercial establishments to include certificates in floor and carpet care, bathroom care and hygiene and commercial cleaning products use

Community Family Life Services (CFLS)

Gender-responsive pre-release and reentry case management; transitional housing for women and children; family mentoring; employment soft skills and job referral; and food/clothing distribution.

Digital Literacy

DOC provides computer technology training ranging from introduction to computers to use of operating systems, hardware and software.

Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency (CSOSA)

CSOSA is a federal agency providing supervision of adults on probation, parole and supervised release.

Criminon New Life DC

Group counseling to help individuals understand and model ethical behavior for making favorable changes in their lives.

Culinary Arts/Aramark

The DOC food services vendor provides ServSafe certification instruction and testing. Women receive employment related life skills in addition to ServSafe.

DC Central Kitchen (DCCK)

DCCK provides food services training and associated life skills to returning citizens.

DC Department of Behavioral Health (DBH)

Assesses newly committed female misdemeanants for co-occurring disorder; notifies community core service agencies when clients are incarcerated, and makes appointments with the core service agencies before returning citizens are released.

DC Department of Employment Services (DOES)

5 week program classroom and self-study activities conducted by DOES staff: Includes job readiness skills building in communications, conflict resolution, anger management, decision making, interviewing, resume preparation, electronic job searches and training/apprenticeship opportunities.

DC Department of Health (DOH)

DOH provides women’s health education, healthy pregnancy education and resources for the baby, the mother upon release, and the baby’s guardian while the mother is confined.

DC Department of Human Services (DHS)

DHS Comes into to DOC to take being enrolling impending returning citizens in food stamps, Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) and/or Medicaid programs prior to release.

DC Mayor’s Office of Returning Citizens Affairs (MORCA)

MORCA provides training and job placement, computer labs, referrals to reentry-focused services.

DC Office of the State Superintendent for Education (OSSE)

Oversight and funding for GED testing at the CDF and CTF and funds UDC to provide short term career training and certification at the CTF.

DC Public Defender Office (PDS)

PDS provides legal representation in criminal and civil matters and during institutional disciplinary hearings for offenses that can be subject to criminal prosecution.

DC Public Library (DCPL)

The DCPL provides a satellite library at the CDF and CTF and issues library cards to returning citizens as they are released for access to DCPL community-based computers, job search and legal assistance.

DC Public Schools – Youth and Special Education (DCPS)

Taught by DC Public School instructors, juveniles receive the same public education, special needs curriculum and afterschool care as provided in the community.

DC Recovery Community Alliance (DCRCA)

DCRCA provides 12-Step Meetings and recovery coaching to both men and women.

Emery Work Bed Program (EWBP)

EWBP provides transitional housing for male returning citizens.

Educational Services

DOC administers the CASAS Assessment to determine placement in open enrollment/self-paced adult basic education (ABE), Pre-GED, GED Classes, provides lesson plans and classroom instruction in preparation for the GED state examination.

Educational Services Greater Washington (ESGW)

ESGW provides occupational literacy to the women’s populations, reentry men and juveniles in preparation for a career readiness track.

English as a Second Language (ESL)

DOC provides educational language course for individuals learning English.

Employment Techniques and Awareness Program (ETAP)

DOC provides employment life skills, resume writing, application completion and how to talk about one’s criminal record.

Empowerment Sessions

These sessions are conducted by speakers to include Authors/Poets, City Council members, small business owners, Judges, approved ex-offenders or staff. The sessions may be continuous or a one-time session given to motivate, guide, inspire and give information to our inmate population.

Free Minds Book Club

Free Minds uses books, creative writing, and peer support to empower youth charged as adults for their violent crimes.

Friendship Place

Friendship Place provides free mail service for returning citizens who don’t have a permanent address.

Georgetown University School of Law

Georgetown Street Law provides information about the justice system, legal rights and returning citizen’s role in the community.

Graphic Arts

DOC provides vocational training in typesetting, illustrations and color in order to produce various print media.

HER Resiliency

HER Resiliency facilitates Trauma Recovery Empowerment Model (TREM) groups to the female reentry population.

Hope Foundation Reentry Network, Inc.

The Hope Foundation provides parenting and family reunification, addictions prevention services, family reunification, and transitional housing.

Hope House Reading Program

The Hope House Reading Program provide inmates an opportunity to record books that will be given to their children in the community. This program services male and female populations at the CTF.

House of Ruth

House of Ruth provides temporary housing and case management for single women and single women with minor children.

Howard University Inside Out

University students and DOC students in DOC classroom setting to learn from each other about the effects of crime on victims/community/perpetrator; the criminal justice system and related social issues.

Insight on the Inside/Mindfulness Meditation

Mindfulness Meditation teaches participants to be present with whatever is happening within themselves through the practice of breathing and developing stress management skills.

Jubilee Housing

Jubilee Housing provides transitional housing and life skills designed to reduce the likelihood of recidivism.

Jubilee Jobs

Jubilee Jobs provides employment assistance.

La Casa House

La Casa House provides transitional housing; life skills, mental health and substance abuse counseling to individuals.

La Clinica de Pueblo

La Clinica de Pueblo provides health care education and treatment for the Latino community.

Little Friends for Peace

LFFP provides cognitive behavior and life skills groups to reduce violence in the community.

Living Independence for Everyone (L.I.F.E)

Cognitive behavioral group activities and self-help classes are held in Reentry Men’s Unit.

Lorton Art Program

Art therapy at the CDF and CTF in RSAT, Reentry and for women with severe mental health needs.


Certified as a mental health developmental disabilities program and core service agency; providing community day treatment and reentry services.

Miriam’s Kitchen

Miriam’s Kitchen provides returning citizens with free mail service and funds to obtain identification.

N Street Village

Transitional housing, a day program and wrap-around case management and services.

Prison SMART

Stress management through yoga, meditation, and specific breathing techniques.

Regional Addiction Prevention Inc. (Rap Inc.)

Assesses and places returning citizens in community-based residential substance abuse treatment; HIV/AIDS care; emergency and transitional housing; and medical services.

Reintegrating Alternative Personal Program (RAPP)

Mentors, counseling, food distribution; clothing closet; employment and job training.

Religious Services

Local church prison ministries and individuals provide a myriad of religious services.

Residential Substance Abuse Treatment (RSAT)

DOC 30-120 day substance use treatment for men and women.

Salvation Army Harbor Lights

Harbor Lights is a aHarbo136-bed facility, providing case management and counseling, anger and grief-management; and employment training.

Salvation Army Turning Points

Turning Points provides transitional housing for families, crisis intervention, individual and family counseling, advocacy, and independent living skills.

Samaritan Ministries

Job readiness and community connections are provided for pre-GED adult education.

So Others Might Eat (SOME)

Housing, mental health and substance abuse counseling, vocational training and job placement.

Thrive DC

Women In New Directions (WIND) to assist women being released; meals free showers and laundry; mail, telephone, and email access; personal care and hygiene supplies; health and safety items; transportation and emergency rental assistance; emergency clothing and blankets; and culinary arts training.

Trauma Informed Care Psycho-Educational Group

Trauma Group counseling is gender responsive and designed to help women manage their trauma.

Unity Medical-Mental Health

Facility and community medical and mental health care.

University of the District of Columbia Community College Career & Technical Education Classes (UDC-CC)

UDC-CC partners with DOC and OSSE, to provide short term, career-specific credentialed training in Hospitality, Customer Service and Retail Sales. (UDC Adult Literacy and UDC Employment and Job Readiness are not credentialed training classes, not sure where to fit these classes in).

University of Maryland “LETS Act” group

Helps RSAT clients set specific goals and activities designed to decrease depression and support sobriety/recovery, and monitor their progress.

DC Veterans’ Administration

Reentry Specialist regularly comes into the CDF to link veterans to community resources.

Voices for a Second Chance (VSC)

VSC is a first responder when incarcerated (notifying family and attorney; retrieving property from arresting precinct); and provides birthday cards for inmates to send to loved ones. Community based services include use of office phone/internet, free mail service, bus tokens, housing referrals, lunch, and funds to secure an ID card.

Virginia Williams Hands on Mentoring Program (VWHOMP)

Mentoring and assistance with housing, clothing and food all free of charge for 1 year. This service is to assist returning citizens with becoming self-sufficient.

Women’s Wing Organization

Life Skills training, groups re: communication skills, relationships, conflict resolution, anger management, domestic violence and work readiness.