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Coronavirus Prevention

Department of Corrections

Modified Medical Stay-in-Place Timeline, Updated August 7, 2023
DOC is implementing a gradual update to its modified stay in place policies.  

DOC Modified Stay in Place Timeline

Cronograma modificado de Medida médica de permanencia en el lugar

                                        Modified Medical Stay-in-Place Timeline (Updated August 7, 2023)

Policy Status
Masking Policy

DOC will continue to require that residents and staff wear masks in the following housing units and areas of the facilities:
• Intake and Reception Center (IRC) (incoming and outgoing residents and staff);
• Intake housing units at CDF & CTF (currently CDF - South 2 [men] & CTF - E4A [women]);
• The following medical areas/units: CTF - Medical 68, Medical 82, & Medical 96 – Dialysis and Physical Therapy Areas Only and CDF – Medical Infirmary; and
• CTF & CDF medical quarantine and isolation units (officers and staff are required to wear additional PPE).
Masking on all other housing units and locations within the CTF & CDF facilities, at the DOC Center for Professional Development and Learning (CPDL) and DOC headquarters is voluntary/optional for staff, visitors and DOC residents.
Masks remain mandatory for staff and arrestees at the Central Cell Block (CCB).
Masks are optional for all visitors, volunteers and guests at DOC except in the areas outlined above.
Masks (KN95 & non-surgical masks) remain available to all residents at all facility entrances, on housing units and at DOC staffed locations within the medical units.

DOC will continue to make masks available to all residents and staff who wish to receive them.

Legal Visits In-person contact and contactless legal visits resumed without an appointment on February 14, 2022, and continue unchanged. Attorneys and visitors will no longer be required to provide proof of COVID-19 vaccinations or negative testing. Residents housed on units that are on quarantine may visit with their attorneys, but will be required to wear a mask at all times while off of their housing unit.
Video Legal Calls DOC has provided video legal visits to residents on a limited weekly schedule since February 14, 2022, and this remains unchanged. Residents housed on units that are on quarantine may visit with their attorneys, but will be required to wear a mask at all times while off of their housing unit.
Legal Calls DOC resumed in-person legal visits for all residents and their legal counsel February 2022, and this remains unchanged.
Effective February 2022, legal calls for DOC residents will not be facilitated by DOC unless the residents are on quarantine units or in isolation. Attorneys requesting a legal call with clients on quarantine units or in isolation should email [email protected] to schedule legal calls with their clients.
Small Groups on Unit In-person religious services resumed on January 17, 2023, for all residents, clergy, volunteers, and facilitators. COVID-19 vaccinations are no longer required for residents, clergy, volunteers and facilitators attending in-person religious service groups.
Access to Public Health, Social Services and Residential Support Services through the Programs and Case Management Division

DOC continues to allow in-person small group sessions for the agency’s program units.

Voting services, inmate grievance services, case management services and the READY Center services continue for all residents.

Access to Education and Programs through DOC’s College and Career Readiness Division DOC’s Education, Programs and Case Management Division resumed in-person educational instruction and GED testing in February 2022, and these services continue.
Barbering & Cosmetology Since May 2022, barbering and cosmetology services resumed at DOC for all residents.Barbering services continue to be provided on a schedule established by the Operations team. Cosmetology services continue to be provided on a schedule established by the programs team. Some residents may also request loc and braid maintenance. Requests should be made to the programming team. A priority barbering service will continue to be provided to residents with upcoming jury trials only. Attorneys should contact Ms. Genester Powell at [email protected] when requesting barbering and cosmetology services for their clients.
Detail inmate workers within DOC

DOC resumed inmate culinary details January 2023 and environmental work details in February 2023.

All detail workers must receive a medical clearance, including an initial negative COVID-19 test, prior to the commencement of the work detail. All detail workers will be subject to COVID-19 testing if the detail worker displays any COVID-19 symptoms.

Legal Research and University Classes

DCPL has resumed mobile library services at CDF. Residents continue to have access to an e-reading, audible, recovery and legal research/law library on their tablets.
University courses will continue to be provided virtually via education tablets and also in person.

Video Visitation Video Visitation resumed at CDF in February 2022 (please review DOC Inmate Visitation Policy 4081.1 for specific details) and resumed at CTF in the Spring of 2023.
Access to Family and Friends

All DOC residents have access to the GTL/Viapath tablets. GTL/Viapath tablets have been assigned to every resident at DOC during intake.

Effective January 9, 2023, in-person visits at CTF and face-to-face visits at CDF resumed for all residents and visitors according to scheduling services provided by DOC Operations Team (please review DOC Inmate Visitation Policy 4081.1 for specific details). COVID-19 vaccinations are no longer required for DOC residents and visitors seeking an in person visit.

DOC Resident Housing (Out of cell time) DOC resumed pre-pandemic levels of daily out-of-cell time to non-restrictive housing for all residents (approximately 5 hours per day on each unit except for restrictive housing units) as of February 2022.
Outdoor Recreation Outdoor recreation will be offered; contingent upon weather and staffing conditions.
Court Appearances

DOC continues to transport residents to court as long as the courts are operating. DOC will no longer provide COVID-19 testing to residents at DOC who are housed on quarantine units. Those residents will be required to wear a mask at all times while off of their housing unit.

The READY Center

The READY Center is providing services to returning citizens. Upon release from DOC, DOC’s Inmate Reception Center (IRC) provides all residents with the READY Center packets and the phone number to alert returning citizens how to contact the READY Center staff for services. On Mondays and Tuesdays, DOC READY Center is located at 2000 14th Street NW, (2nd Floor) Washington, DC 20009. DOC returning citizens can activate READY Center services Monday – Friday via email [email protected] and/ or telephone call (202) 790-6790. The READY Center is expected to move to its new location in August 2023. More details to follow.
Vaccine Education Unity Healthcare staff will continue to provide vaccine education to residents at intake and by walking the units.
Vaccines are still available for all residents and boosters are still being offered. All new residents are notified at intake on vaccination services. DOC also provides vaccine education on residents’ tablets and in housing units. Unity Healthcare medical staff provide in-person educational information to residents on the benefits of vaccination.
DOC Intake Effective August 7, 2023, new intakes to DOC will be on intake housing units for 3 days and continue to be tested for COVID-19 at intake only. There will be no additional COVID-19 testing for asymptomatic residents after intake. 
DOC Isolation Units Residents housed on isolation units can be released from isolation after 7 days if they test negative via a viral test and are symptom free as determined by Unity Healthcare.
DOC COVID-19 Desk Effective January 9, 2023, DOC no longer requires employees, contractors, visitors and guests to complete the intake form upon admittance into the facilities and no longer inquires about an individual’s vaccine status. DOC continues to ask employees, contractors, visitors and guests to refrain from entering the facilities if they are feeling under the weather. 
Volunteer Services Volunteers applying to work with the DOC will no longer have to provide vaccination cards as part of their on-boarding requirements.
DOC Employees, Contracts, Volunteers who have tested positive for COVID-19 The minimum duration of isolation is 7 full days. (Count Day 0 as the date your symptoms started and Day 1 as the first full day after symptoms started. For example, Leon starts feeling sick at 10 pm on January 15. January 15 is his Day 0 and January 16 is his Day 1)
• A 7 -day isolation period can be used as long as
  1. Symptoms are improving;
  2. The individual has been fever-free for 24 hours,
  3. The individual was not hospitalized, and
  4. The individual does not have a weakened immune system.
*Per the CDC, the isolation period for the correctional and detention facilities is longer than the duration recommended for the general public because of the risk of widespread transmission in dense housing environments and the high prevalence of underlying medical conditions associated with severe COVID-19.

Effective Monday, March 13, 2023: Masking on housing units and locations within the Central Detention Facility (CDF) and Correctional Treatment Facility (CTF), at the DOC Center for Professional Development and Learning (CPDL) and DOC headquarters is voluntary/optional for staff, visitors and DOC residents, except in the following locations listed below.


DOC continues to require that residents, staff and visitors wear masks in the following housing units and areas of the facilities:

  • Intake and Reception Center (IRC) (incoming and outgoing residents and staff);
  • Intake housing units at CDF & CTF (currently CDF - South 2 [men] & CTF - E4A [women]);
  • The following medical areas/units: CTF - Medical 68, Medical 82, & Medical 96 – Dialysis and Physical Therapy Areas Only and CDF – Medical Infirmary;
  • CTF & CDF medical quarantine and isolation units (officers and staff are required to wear additional PPE); and
  • Masks remain mandatory for staff and arrestees at the Central Cell Block (CCB).

Vigente a partir del lunes 13 de marzo de 2023: El uso de mascarillas en las unidades de vivienda y las ubicaciones dentro del Centro de Detención Central (Central Detention Facility, CDF) y el Centro de Tratamiento Correccional (Correctional Treatment Facility, CTF), en el Centro de Desarrollo Profesional y Aprendizaje (Center for Professional Development and Learning, CPDL) del DOC y la sede central del DOC es voluntario/opcional para el personal, los visitantes y los residentes del DOC, excepto en las siguientes ubicaciones enumeradas a continuación.


El DOC sigue exigiendo que los residentes, el personal y los visitantes usen mascarillas en las siguientes unidades de vivienda y áreas de las instalaciones:

  • Centro de admisión y recepción (Intake and Reception Center, IRC) (residentes y personal entrante y saliente);
  • Unidades de vivienda de admisión en el CDF y CTF (actualmente el CDF - South 2 [hombres] y CTF - E4A [mujeres]);
  • Las siguientes áreas/unidades médicas: CTF - Unidad médica 68, unidad médica 82 y unidad médica 96 – Solo áreas de diálisis y fisioterapia y CDF – Enfermería médica;
  • Unidades de aislamiento y cuarentena médica del CTF y CDF (los funcionarios y el personal deben usar equipo de protección personal adicional); y
  • Las mascarillas siguen siendo obligatorias para el personal y los detenidos en el bloque de celda central (Central Cell Block, CCB).